Given that the Doing Business index includes the protection of minority shareholders as one of its key metrics, having such a low threshold was likely to have a negative effect on Kenya’s ranking, which Kenya’s national assembly is keen to improve still further.5 Leading Kenyan and international banks, including Standard Chartered, lobbied the government to revise the legislation, and in February 2020 the 90% threshold was restored.6
Indonesia is another country often perceived as presenting high barriers to entry, an impression compounded over the past year by the disruption caused by the pandemic. There, Standard Chartered, together with custodian bank association ABKI, has worked with the Indonesia Central Securities Depository (KSEI) to expedite the launch of the eASY.KSEI platform, to help mitigate the disruption of COVID-19. The platform allows investors to attend general meetings of shareholders virtually, where previously physical attendance was required, and it includes an e-Voting and e-Proxy system.